With a busy lifestyle, it can be difficult to fit exercise into your routine. Exercise, however, is one of the key ingredients to boost your mood, is an anti-aging tool and it also strengthens your immune system. Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated. All it takes is 20 minutes a day (you can even increase it to 30 minutes a day and take a day off).
How Does Exercise Help the Immune System?
Not only does exercise move blood through your body faster, but it may also flush bacteria out of your airways, helping you not to get sick. Another way exercise helps your immune system is that it causes changes in the white blood cells which the immune system uses to fight diseases. Because exercise makes the white blood cells move faster, they may be able to detect disease faster.
Here are some simple exercises you can start incorporating into your daily routine that you can try to help get you into the habit of exercising.
Isometric Exercises
Isometric exercises are the contraction of a particular muscle group. They are used for strengthening muscles, but they will not build a lot of muscle. Here are some examples of isometric exercises.
Holding in the plank position for 30 seconds is an example of an isometric exercise. Each exercise takes only a few minutes and you can do them throughout the day.
Wall Sit for 45 seconds to build strength in your legs, core and glutes!
Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are lightweight and easy to store and can take the place of expensive equipment. Resistance bands use your body weight and work the same as any cable pulley machine at the gym. These types of exercises are easy and convenient to do at home. Here are some benefits to using resistance:
- Building strength
- Improving mobility
- Good for rehabilitation after an injury
- Used for weight training (wrapped around the ends of a weight bar)
Never underestimate the power of walking. Not only is it free and easy to do, but when you walk briskly, you are also strengthening your heart and burning fat. Go for a walk around the block or at work during breaks. It can be done virtually anywhere. Hold some weights or put on a backpack after you start building it into your routine. Here are some ways to get walking into your schedule:
- Park farther away at the store… yes on purpose
- Take two 15 minute walk breaks during the day or walk at lunch
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator for a quick boost
- Go for a hike anywhere in nature which is great for the soul
- Go for a mindful walk and relax your mind after a busy day
Finding time to exercise can be challenging. By incorporating simple easy exercises into your routine, you can start building an exercise habit and keep your immune system healthy. If you need inspiration YouTube has some great exercise videos in all categories and it’s all free!